Graphic Design & Accounting Graduate

Jessika R. Simpson

  • Brand Identity
  • Illustrations
  • Layout Design

Jessika R. Simpson

I was born and raised in the Salem, Oregon area. This is reflected in the natural and vibrant colors I enjoys which compensates for all the rainy grey days I've lived through. Because I have a background in business and accounting with a passion for art from an early age, my style reflects a balance of whimsical and playfulness tempered with a simplistic economical approach to design.

I enjoy creating fun logos that reflect my client’s personal attitudes and highlights the image they want to reflect in a simple joy-filled way. From line art buildings to detailed landscapes, each reflect a realistic but whimsical take on the world around us. I look forward to bringing this attitude to others and helping my client’s imagination come to life.

  • Whimsical
  • Vibrant
  • Happy